About the Creators of FleetOptimo™

FleetOptimo is a product that has been developed by Atula™ Technologies Ltd, to address an important problem faced by Small and Medium sized businesses that are engaged in last mile connectivity.

Delivering on time to your end customer, using the most optimum route without losing your team’s grey cells in organising the fleet is what FleetOptimo is designed to do. With a user friendly web admin portal for the team at Base and an intuitive mobile app for the team that is on the road, FleetOptimo is exactly what you need to make sure your customer has received the best service and you’ve kept your carbon footprint as low as possible.

FleetOptimo has been designed and developed, and is owned and maintained by Atula™ Technologies Ltd. We are passionate and committed to creating innovative products that will help businesses become more resilient, sustainable and profitable. FleetOptimo™ is our industry solution for the Logistics Sector worldwide.

FleetOptimo™ can be easily integrated with our UHF-RFID based warehouse management software - Stockontol™ or to your own existing inventory software.